
Piątnica is located 2 km away from the city of Łomża in Podlaskie Province. The traditions of the Podlasie, Mazovia and Kurpie regions merge on the banks of the River Narew. We appreciate the value of the region and respect our cultural heritage. This is also why our products have always been and will remain natural.

From the real countryside, nature

This is where we source our wholesome milk: from environmentally pristine areas nestled in the catchment area of the Narew and Biebrza Rivers. Our area is home to the Biebrza National Park, the Biebrza National Park, the Łomża Landscape Park of the Narew Valley and the wilderness of the Kurpie Zielone region, dotted with nature reserves.

We cooperate with farms scattered around the area and make sure they meet the most stringent quality standards.



Here in our cooperative, we bring together farmers who run farms located around our unique areas. We all treat the nature, and priceless milk and each other with great respect. That’s why our production is carried out with care for the environment, and at the same time we are keeping an eye on the health and well-being of the cows and the hygiene of the breed. We are very fortunate, because the farmers from whom we buy milk are reliable people we can trust. We appreciate their commitment to always meet the highest standards and that’s why we offer the highest milk purchase prices in Poland.

  • We care for our treasure

    In Piątnica we have very high internal standards. As much as 70% of our milk fulfills three times stricter microbiological purity standards then EU guidelines. There’s more: remaining 30% meets a standards twice as high as European requirements. We still endeavor to achieve higher and higher quality, but we're already sure, that the milk we get from out farmers is unbeatable in terms of taste and purity.

  • Freshness for you

    We use innovative technologies: microfiltration and low-temperature pasteurization to keep as much as possible from the rich nutritious milk composition and preserve its natural flavor. That's why our distinctive bottle with handle protects the milk from light. This is also why our iconic cottage cheese appears at your table in packaging with hygienic sealing. In this our way to protect what is fresh and valuable.

  • Wisely and in harmony with nature

    We use advanced technological solutions that allow us to act in harmony with nature and with respect for our dairy traditions. We believe that food should be simple, tasty and healthy. But to achieve that, you need to know the value of nature, people and milk.We are a traditional brand from an ecologically clean region of Poland. For years we have been trying to make only what’s the best from milk.
